Tuesday, October 21, 2008

October Creepy Crawlies

Today, I decided to vacuum under my sofa.  If I had shrunk down to about 2 inches, I would have been in a major environment of creepy crawlies.   I waded through "stuff" I cannot even describe!  Wads, yes wads, of old grey shed hair! From who, I would not try to pin point as we are all grey!  A fruit loop... ?  Toothpicks, beads, pen, chips, a dog bone, a needle, a hairy ball, bottle cap, foody things (I think), a screw, a broken nylon washer, a pile of black looking stuff that I assume is from the metal rubbing together where the washer should have been and lots of stuff that I just did not recognize!  So, my ten minute vacuum job, turned into a major clean up.  I had to shampoo the carpet even though I really wanted to just shove the sofa back into it's usual place and act like I never saw those October creepy crawlies!  LOL  Life is good......

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