Wednesday, July 9, 2008 make me drive up the wall....

Have you noticed how your vocabulary changes as you "adopt" new words and terminology from your kids? I was thinking about some special to us things that we still say that remind us of how cute our kids were when they were children. Our son, for instance referred to the TV show My Three Sons as "My Two Sons", for whatever reason. We now, always refer to that as "My Two Sons". He had a booster seat that was kept on the sewing machine. Eventually we all referred to that as his "sing ma show". We tell people still, if we are feeling crowded to "scoop over." an inherited term from him also. We really have improved our vocabulary! Our granddaughter, angry about something we can't remember said to her Grandpa, "come on Grandpa, lets go beat up em." so we say "lets go beat up em" in an effort to lighten up a situation that we are a bit angry about. Our Grandson, however, gave us the ultimate solution to things that bother us. Evidently he listened to the popular and general use of the term, "that makes me climb the walls. " So as we teased and visited about something he told me one day, " make me drive up the walls." We still use that term whenever something bothers us.

1 comment:

Bridal Magic said...

Hello there! I saw your post on the Blog Topic of the Week. I can just imagine your grandson driving a little car up the wall! Kids say the darndest things, right? :)