Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hawk Bath

On Monday, I went to the door to let Bubs out. As I glanced out the door, I saw one of the little hawks sitting on the edge of a big flat bowl we have sitting by the BarBQ for the animals to drink out of. I immediately froze and stood there to watch him. He was about the size of a pigeon but chunkier. Suddenly, he hopped right into the middle of the bowl and began an entertaining ritual of bathing! I fluffed out his feathers and wings and splashed and wallered in the water for several awe inspiring moments. I noticed the feathers on the back of his head actually give the impression of two big owl looking eyeballs. He was kind of a grey and white almost checkered over all. He also had a friendly magpie with him that strutted around cawing and generally watching him too. Finally, he and his friend magpie flew off into the sky. I felt lucky to have the chance to view this guy from about seven feet, as he bathed and enjoyed himself! I believe he is the same young and inexperienced hawk that has sat on the humming bird brackets in the kitchen window, in the ash tree, and on the bird house just off the deck. I hope this is not the last I will see of him!

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