Sunday, May 3, 2009


The birds are returning for the summer!  We currently have 2 hummers.  This morning, a flicker, or black and yellow wood pecker visited.  We have a flock of tiny yellow sunflower lovers, the red headed and breasted house wrens.  The bobbin rock birds run up and down the rock wall.  The red winged black birds are here, the red headed buzzards and the crows and once in a while a small hawk play on the winds out the window.  Yesterday a group of five buzzards were wind surfing just over the edge of the rock wall.  The doves come in the evening and walk around the yard.  We do have blue birds visit, but they do not stay in the houses we put up.  Maybe next year. DH started the tiller today.  He might get the garden plowed.  I almost need to mow the buffalo grass area.  The lilacs have half way bloomed, i think the buds got frosted so they they are not very prolific with thier blooms.  The plum tree is covered in blooms.  The blooms on the cherry bushes and apricots are gone, so don't know if they will make anything or not.  So goes our spring.

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