Wednesday, November 5, 2008

More Visitors

Visitors recently have been the fox.  He or she trotted across the sage field north of us giving me a very nice chance to admire it, and went down over the edge on this side of the cliffs.  Very reddish colored with white neck scruff and large bushy white ended tail.  Another time,  an unidentified flock of large grayish short tailed birds with bright yellow breasts popped up into view from behind the rock wall to the west.  They sat on the rocks for some time, seemingly like they were discussing something rather grave.  As quickly as they came, after their rest, they all left together, heading to the north.  This morning a little salt and pepper colored dog, I think may have been a medium sized poodle growing out its summer hair cut, was out on the buffalo grass, wandering around. He/she too, left after snooping around our wooden deck.  I am actually always surprised when stray dogs (or cats) show up around here as we are so far from the road, and other people.    The black birds assemble and pick and flutter around every morning to the east, using the apricot tree as their main roost.  This morning, they seemed to be entranced with the snow, and would swoosh down from the tree almost as one, to strut around in the the circle covered in very wet snow pecking into it for whatever it is that blackbirds would want...  perhaps just a nice cold icy drink?  It's  a good thing they took advantage of the snow,  as it is gone now and they will have to go back to the stale watering pan.  
I was supposed to go into town for a flu shot today, but talked myself out of it.  Maybe next week I will make it.  Driving into town seems like such a waste of precious time!

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