Thursday, October 25, 2007


I made it to here! I have a blog! How cool is that considering all things? It is rather amazing how life seems to be going along just normal, then suddenly there is a shift, and whoosh, you have a new outlook, or toy. Two weeks ago I was seriously wondering what exactly I would do when I retire. I should have something in place, right? So, I was thinking maybe I could work online doing something artsy. Then, whoosh, I get invited to host art swaps. Its like serendipity. I had already decided to buy all new electronic equipment just before retirement becomes final so I would be up to date with computer and peripherials. I know I will need to stretch my abilities to learn to scan, post, manipulate,my art and whoosh, I am shown how to get here, and here I am blogging! Hopefully, life will continue with this trend. Wish me luck!

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