Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Winter Snow!

Wow, about 15 inches of snow, and very wet.  We like the new roof.  The snow just comes right off.  Sometimes it hangs and curls too.  The lacy look from my studio window is pretty.  This has been quite the winter snow.

The cedars look pretty with their white dress!

The chimanea has a new necklace.

The snow/ice hanging off the roof as seen from my studio window.

This one above is looking up from inside the window... 

From the front porch.

A closer look.  These are interesting and very pretty.  The snow makes a weird sound as it slides off the new metal roof.  A sort of grinding noise.  A bit eery.

After having to bail out of the truck coming up the hill Monday evening after the girls dance show, I have stayed right here in my warm safe house!  HRH got stuck on the road on Tuesday, trying to plow the road.  Today he was able to move lots of snow around.  Chains on the snow plow makes quite a difference!  Looks like more coming tonight perhaps.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Blessing and a Curse

The little cooper hawk, who has adopted our premises as his "happy hunting grounds" has been fun to watch, a blessing, as he was very entertaining.  However, now, he presence is so here and often, none of the other birds come.  Grrrrr.... we talked of firecrackers.... he he.

And, here is a photo of my new hair cut.  Okay, so it was a trim.  But anything makes one feel a bit better, when it comes to hair.  I usually just throw the hair up into a twist and a clip, never really wear it down.  So, I was wondering the other day, "why have I let my hair grow?" As I thought about it, I decided that the answer is because I can.  I can without anyone saying I look like Darlene, or woe be gone, or un stylish, or any of many other negative comments I used to receive.  I grow it because I have the freedom to do so!  Yeah!