Sunday, December 20, 2009


A hawk is hanging out in the apricot tree.  I noticed him a week or so ago.  I tried to take a picture but that is rather had through the window.  But, he has been returning, and the other day I say he was eating another bird of some sort.  He just sat there in the apricot tree pulling feathers off the little bird he held in his claw.  Saturday morning we watched him try to catch another bird.  It managed to get lost in the cherry bushes.  He perched in the aspen tree and I got a much better picture of him.  I guess because we have so many birds around the bird feeders, he thinks it's okay to eat around here too. lol.  He is such an exciting bird to have hanging around.  I believe he is a red tail.  Quite large about a foot long I would guess.  Also, we have had a big fat looking flicker hanging around too.  He sometimes raps around on the eaves.  The little birds are wrens, and sparrows and the junkos have finally shown up.

And here is what my feet look like now the swelling has gone down.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dr. Visit-

Today I head for the Drs.  I think he will be taking stitches out of my toes and the heel.  The nail looking pins have to stay for six weeks, I think.  Walking is getting a bit easier.  I am not on pain pills anymore.  I read, and play on the computer to pass the time.  I think about things too.  I look out at the snow and think a  beach in mexico would be nice right now, lol.  The birds thump on the windows now and then to keep me alert.  The village is encased in what looks like fog so I seem to be floating on a great white something up here.  The little hawk that has been hanging around here was not in the apricot tree yesterday, so I don't know if he will be back.  I had a flicker pecking around on the dining room yesterday.  It makes blueberry go crazy.  I had thought I might work on a quilt, but the pins in my toes probably will keep me from crawling around on the floor to pin it together.  I am going to try to machine quilt it if I ever get so I can work on it.  I hope my feet will be in great shape by end of Feb. for my las vegas escape.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Feet in the Air and Snow

Today, as I sit with my feet propped up, watching more snow, and it is lots of snow for us to have at one time looking close to a foot at this time and still falling, watching the birds quarrel over the seeds in the bird feeder, I wish I could go out and play in the great white stuff too.  It seems like the extra hard winter is here early and that it is going to be a long one.  The little birds are about the only thing lively in or about our area.  Bubba is really not into the snow, nor is Blueberry.  I the sub zero weather is not very pleasant for anyone!  Maybe the sun will come out soon and the sleigh riding and snow man making will be fun for the young ones.