Sunday, May 31, 2009

This was in the horoscope for piceas on yahoo page.  I found it interesting since I just blogged about friendships, lol...
A frustrating friendship is causing you to wonder what you ever saw in this person. People change over time, and unfortunately they don't always grow in the same direction. Accept who this person is becoming, but don't keep them in your life if they make you feel bad or bring out your insecurities. Friendships are elective relationships, they do not always have to be lifelong commitments. There is nothing wrong with moving on so you both can be happy.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Art Stuff

I have been following a book with an art group and each chapter has us make a piece of art.  This is the one I made for chapter five.  The author of the book believes in adding personal items to your art to make it more... well, personal, I guess.  I searched through my photos to find one I could use for this project.  Dana was such a cute baby!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Remembering Mom

It seems strange to me that almost all my social interactions is through the net now.  It makes me wonder if there are not millions of people with the "felter" mind set, which is "I can take them or leave them" like me.  LOL  I like my cyber friends cuz I can interact with them when I want to, and ignore them when I don't want to be bothered.  It relieves a person of the responsibilities of having to act like a friend. Not that I ever bothered too much with the responsibilities of being a friend.  I gave up trying to maintain friendships years ago.  I was never and I mean never good at it.  I would just shut all communication down, if a problem ever arose, which eventually it always did.  I quit my elementary friends, then quit my jr high friends, then lost track and quit all my high school friends.  Then friends I made as a young adult I quit too.  I guess I am rather obsessive (I never thought of myself as such before) about doing whatever it is I am doing without interruption.  I guess the reason I am talking about this is that I have been thinking about my Mom as she died in May, and she was always my best friend and advocate my whole life.  I never really allowed anyone else to get inside me and see my feelings and dreams.  Even as I look back and see she made me her scapegoat, I still miss having her to visit with.  She died May 12 and my Dad's birthday is the last day of May.     

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sun and Fun

Finally, the sun and weather is allowing for  outdoor activities.  We roasted hotdogs and marsh mellows yesterday...we all had fun and the dogs tasted so good.  Nothing as a good a roasting them out side.  The marsh mellow roasted was fierce, lol.  

My yellow wild flowers in the buffalo grass are loosing their blooms so I will have to go mow soon.  

Recent visitor sitings:  Pine siskens, hummers up to 5 now,  yellow finches, quail in the buffalo grass,  hawks, buzzards, crows, blackbirds, rock wrens, sparrows, starlings, many insects, and DH saw a snake on the road.   So, guess summer has officially arrived!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Prim Roses Blooming

There are so many prim roses blooming this morning.  They are a happy little wild flower and if they are any indication, the other wild flowers should be beautiful too.  I have two flax plants blooming too.  The rain has made a great environment for the wild flowers.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


The birds are returning for the summer!  We currently have 2 hummers.  This morning, a flicker, or black and yellow wood pecker visited.  We have a flock of tiny yellow sunflower lovers, the red headed and breasted house wrens.  The bobbin rock birds run up and down the rock wall.  The red winged black birds are here, the red headed buzzards and the crows and once in a while a small hawk play on the winds out the window.  Yesterday a group of five buzzards were wind surfing just over the edge of the rock wall.  The doves come in the evening and walk around the yard.  We do have blue birds visit, but they do not stay in the houses we put up.  Maybe next year. DH started the tiller today.  He might get the garden plowed.  I almost need to mow the buffalo grass area.  The lilacs have half way bloomed, i think the buds got frosted so they they are not very prolific with thier blooms.  The plum tree is covered in blooms.  The blooms on the cherry bushes and apricots are gone, so don't know if they will make anything or not.  So goes our spring.